Digital Artist
Based in Germany
If you would like to see my queue check out my Trello.
Hello fellow traveller!
I'm a freelance digital artist focused on fantasy themed art
like dragons or humanoid creatures.I'm fulltime artist since October 2020Wanna see more? Feel free to take a look on my social media
to see more or just click the commission tab on the top ~!

Commission Info
. | Simple | Detailed | Additional info |
Sketch | 40 - 80€ | xxx | Color or Monochrome |
Headshot/Bust | 50 - 70€ | 85 - 120€ | |
Halfbody | 85 - 110€ | 110 - 155€ | |
Fullbody | 130 - 145€ | 155 - 205€ | |
Ref Sheet | Price: 330 - 655€ | xxx | For more info Please look below* |
Sadly I needed to increase my prices since from now on I need to start chargin VATPrices are in Euro
Prices listed are per Character + 50% for an additional CharacterCommission in a simple style tend to look more messy and less polished, it may happen that the sketch will be visible on some spots ~!
*Since there are always some
people asking me for thoseStarting price (includes 2 fullbody, headshot and simple description)Price: 275-550€
+ 1 fullbody extra 55€
+ 1 headshot extra 30€For anything else/ extra please ask for a quote ~!I accept payment plans above 200€ message me for more details
If you wanna get your art done asap, I accept rush orders but I take +20% fee because it will be done in my free time.
Payment needs to be make within 24h from sending the invoice or it will be cancelled unless we agreed otherwise.
Privat commissions are an option as well (they won't be posted to public) but it will cost + 25% extra
They also will be deleted from my drivers after they got approved.
Not seeing what are you looking for?
Just drop me a message per E-Mail and I will help you out !
if you wanna make our life simpler here is a form you can fill out to make sure you didn't forgot anything ~!Commission Type: Commission/ych/sketch etc.
Links to Ref Sheets: can also be send per mail
Position: Which character should be on which side if needed
Anything extra: __Do you wanna cloths or no cloths, anything I may miss like small earings that are hard to see on your ref
__Paypal/Stripe: I need your E-MAIL, not paypal me link o anytthing else, I only work with paypal/stripe invoices.**Commission Type:
Links to Ref Sheets:
Anything extra:
Paypal/Stripe: **




Ref Sheets

Terms of Service
Must give a good digital reference, I won't be working without refsheets or 3D made refsheets.
Descriptions are not accepted unless you give me the artist freedom (or a ref sheet commission)
on the OC with desc like (a german sheepard).I have the right to refuse service to anyone.
Do not constantly request for progress updates
(beeing online =/= I'm working rn so please if you see me online on discord etc it don't always mans I'm working rn),
If I havent updated you I most probably didn't started yet
feel free to check my trello to-do list, I do update it as I work.
I won't be replaying on the weekends most of the time, it can happen that I do work on weekends but 99% of the time it's my time off. Please if I don't replay on a late Friday don't be pushy about it on Sunday!I own full copyrights to my art.
The customer will be paying for the service, not the copyrights.Please DO NOT post my art on twitter before me, or at least ask me ( I don't post every single piece on my socials) before doing to, it takes away to much traction in some cases. There was already few times who people just posted my art got a huge amount of likes and retweets, me posting the same piece few hours later got 1/6 of the traction. This is just hurting us artist to grow.Should the client decide to change or adjust the commissioned works through the use of machine learning or derived technologies, or create derivatives of the commissioned works through the use of machine learning or derived technologies, I will consider this an automatic purchase of exclusive rights and charge the standard fee per artwork. Please inquire about the exact fee for your commission in advance.Please post the WATERMARK version online.You can always check where you are on my to-do list on trello
Deadlines and Edits
For mistakes that I have made, please tell me and I will fix them ASAP. It is no problem at all.I won't be doing any edits after you accept the wip that I gived to you TO APROVE and MAKE sure I didn't missed anything,
but you may request it for an additional charge fee (price may vary).
Deadlines may be requested, but will be given an additional charge fee (+25% of the price).
I'm mostly doing drawings in order which they were given to me
(It's mean in order I get payed, not getting your note/comment about it),
when it's time for your drawing I'll have a 30* days to do it.
Please take account of holidays, I don't work on them so the deadline on months like december may be longer.*30 WORKING days please think about the weekend and holidays that may come in between.I may switch things a bit if I won't be able to finish a bigger piece and would like to get a smaller piece done that day.
I'm trying to do at least one drawing a day.If I a customer won't replay for more than 3 months I will consider they payment as a donation and the artwork won't be finished. It isn't any issue if you let me know that you may be not available for X period of time it's more then fine by me, but please let me know. I'm understanding that stuff happens but I don't wanna be left in the dark with people not answering me at all.I do remove the work files after commission is approved and the final version with and without watermark was send to the client. So no further changes are possible.
My Rights as an Artist
I may post commissioned/YCH auction works on any of my accounts.
I may put any commissioned/YCH auction works into my art portfolio.
I may enter commissioned/YCH auction works in contests and art shows.
I may sell prints of commissioned/YCH auction works.
I may cancel a commission/YCH auction and issue a refund. See refund policy below.
I have the right to decline any commission/YCH auction before money has been exchanged.
When a someone contacts me for work, they agree that my TOS supersedes any TOS the client might have.
I have full rights to the commissioned/YCH auction artwork.
Refunds are only given If I can't work on your piece or a deadline wasn't meet by me,
I'm not a bank to give you money back because "something came up"
Please always think twice if you really are able to commission me.Work on drawing not yet started.100% refundCharacters on drawing are being sketched or first wip was aproved. 50% refundAll characters have flat colours and I starded with shading. 25% refundAt least one character is being shaded No refunds beyond this point
I am not responsible for any drama or issues that may arise if I am commissioned
to draw for someone who is not comfortable with me drawing them.
Please make sure the other person is okay with it!
If you have had someone commission me for a picture of your character and you are not
comfortable with the image,
please contact me privately to take it down.
If there is anything you may disagree with please contact me.
Perhaps we can work something out, but this is not a guarantee.
It is not my legal responsibility to make sure that a customer agrees to the Terms of Service when commissioning me.
It is the customers responsibility to read the Terms of Service in full and agree to it as a whole or ask questions
If they are uncomfortable or confused with some things stated.
If one does not ask then I shall assume that the Terms of Service
has been read in its entirety and everything stated has been agreed to.
The Terms of Service is here to protect the customers as well as the artists and is completely necessary.The Terms of Service (link to a webpage including them) are also always included in the Invoice send though paypal
Feel free to message me through my email or any of the websites listed below ~!

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMGKatarzyna Woźniak Art Studio
10585 Berlin
E-Mail: rudzikfa@gmail.comVerantwortlich für den Inhalt gemäß § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
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Katarzyna Woźniak Art Studio
Kaiser-Friedrich-Str.1, 10585 Berlin, Deutschland
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Information in accordance with § 5 TMGKatarzyna Woźniak Art Studio
10585 Berlin
Email: rudzikfa@gmail.comResponsible for Content according to § 55 para. 2 RStV:
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The entity responsible within the meaning of data protection laws is:
Katarzyna Woźniak Art Studio
Kaiser-Friedrich-Str.1, 10585 Berlin, Germany
Email: rudzikfa@gmail.com2. Collection and Storage of Personal Data as well as the Nature and Purpose of Their Use
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